popular videos

  1. Derrick Toys

    How to see what made a video successful?

    Hi all! I have 11 videos right now with one Chuckie Cheese vlog doing very well at 700k views. My other videos are average 3k to 700 views. How can I see what made this one video do so well (tags, keywords, etc.) I know analytics but not sure how to work it yet. What are your strategies to...
  2. HyDraid

    Is there a way to know what popular is?

    I wonder if there is a way to know what popular is these days. At the moment is Pokémon Go really popular and everyone is making video's about it. But is there a site or something where you can see some popular topics or something ?
  3. J

    What is your most popular video?

    Hello everyone, What is your most popular video? What is it about? Why is it more popular than your other videos? Random luck? How did you capitalize on it's success? Thanks for any responses!