pc advice

  1. Obadur

    Der BESTE 500 Euro Gaming PC 2020 Deutschlands

    500€ Euro - 600€ Euro Gaming PC November 2021 Zusammenbauen & Test. In diesem Video zeige ich dir den besten + schnellsten Gaming PC für 500€.Die BESTEN Gaming PCs gibt es auf: Der beste 500 Euro Gaming PC 2021 in ganz Deutschland ist hier! Das hier ist auf jeden Fall der beste, den ihr...
  2. Obadur

    1500 Euro NZXT Gaming PC | Ryzen 7 | Gigabyte B550 | RTX 2060

    Gaming PC 2021 kaufen / zusammenbauen? Der ultimative NZXT Gaming PC Build mit RTX 2080SUPER! Ein 1500 Euro Gaming PC mit hochwertigen Komponenten? Genau das haben wir in diesem Video für euch zusammengestellt und zwar mit dem ultimativen NZXT Gaming PC 2021! NZXT hat vor kurzem das Gigabyte...
  3. Obadur

    Bester 1500€ - 1700€ Euro GAMING PC 2021! - Test & Zusammenbauen

    Den besten & schnellsten 1000€ - 2000€ 4K Gaming PC zusammenbauen bei CLS Computer. Der sehr gute NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti & Ryzen 5 5600X Gaming PC 2021 Zusammenbau & Test.. zumindest war das unsere Intension dahinter. Die BESTEN Gaming PCs gibt es auf: Gaming PC kaufen - Einen...
  4. Obadur

    Video Editing PC | 2021!, GeForce RTX 3060-Ryzen 5 3600X

    Ein 1000 Euro Gaming PC mit hochwertigen Komponenten? Genau das haben wir in diesem Video für euch zusammengestellt und zwar mit dem ultimativen MSI Gaming PC 2021! Gaming PC kaufen - Einen individuellen PC günstig zusammenstellen und online kaufen & Gaming PC konfigurieren von CLS...
  5. Kaptic

    Gaming Looking For Fun People to collab on PC with!

    I'm looking for some fun people to play games with a record! All you need is a decent mic, a good personality, dedication, and to be 16 or older! Thanks for reading and I hope to play with some of you in the future. Also, I will make a discord server that we can communicate on and plan recording!
  6. Y

    Can't record anymore

    This basically means that I have no idea what to do anymore. I've been using OBS for quite some time now. When I started using OBS I had no problems but after some time a problem came up in the form of : "encoding overload.....". I eventually found a fix and the problem was gone, even tho it did...
  7. Your Buddy Gas

    How many TB should I dedicate for storing footage?

    I know, this question may sound a bit stupid, but I'm considering to add a sdd hard drive for my pc for storing gameplay footage. I compress it with handbrake to safe a lot of space but the footage can go up to 2 hours (so I can capture gameplay automaticly when I'm doing good at a game) long of...
  8. TechFit360

    Are you looking for a new Computer Monitor?

    ...then check out my first impressions video on the 2017 Samsung 28" UHD Monitor. Thanks for watching:)
  9. Orangeguy587

    Screen recording software advice

    Hello all! 1. I am a PC gamer, but I do have an xbox one and windows 10 that I play on. I know those two can hook up and I can play console games through there. Which is neat since I want to record console games as well. 2. I need a screen recordig software that is free to download on my...
  10. Acidic

    Gaming serious youtube colab

    This is for Pc Gaming Only ! ! ! I need Guys or girls that are dead serious youtubers that are dedicated and willing to be there for the videos and that will be funny and try and talk for the entire video i need 3 more people maybe 4 requirements: You have to show ups as much as possible...
  11. Rolz

    Red Wings! Another Setups Exposed video!

    What's good guys! Finally another Setups Exposed video! I go over my mates PC and he gives us the reasons behind his component choices. This is directed at first time builders/ anyone looking to potentially upgrade their system! Give it a look if it tickles your fancy:pompus: & if you like...