11 Years. ELEVEN YEARS! I have been struggling to understand and connect with my son for 11 years and we have FINALLY found some common ground.
Children with ADHD are often looked at by other children their age as different or odd. Sadly, many adults have these feelings as well if they have no...
So i've been doing YouTube for about 4 months and I have 428 subscribers. This is great and all, and this might come off a bit greedy, but I want MORE. I am a very humble person and I feel like there is so much I could offer to the YouTube community. The only problem is, my parents are totally...
This is Why Mom's Nag - My name is Kate and I am a mom. Instead of doing work this morning, I made a SHORT Mommy Video. It's under 2 minutes because I know we have short attention spans. If you get a chance, take a look & give me any feedback/critics. =-) My channel is pretty new. Thanks! Oh...
Larissa did a emergency dismount when her horse decided to lay down.
Thank you for watching
Subscribe to our channel and give Larissa a thumbs up for diving off the horse
Hello everyone! Looking for some moms and/or dads to collab with. A couple of video ideas that I had in mind were what are your favorite baby/toddler products, worst baby/toddler products or just a parenting advice video. If you have any suggestions, that's fine too! My channel is a vlogging...
I haven't been doing this very long and know I have a lot to learn still. I am very open to feedback a lot of my videos are practice but if you would check one out that has over 100 views and give me some feedback I would love it. Thanks ;)
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