no swearing

  1. Lann4daze

    Gaming Looking for some small YouTubers to collab with

    Hi, my name is Lann4daze, and I am interested in creating a small YouTuber collab. It mostly would be like occasional videos on PC FPS games and other popular stuff. The only requirements would be that you are 12-16 and do not swear. It would be ideal if you have less than 100 subs, as I feel...
  2. Remaker

    Gaming Looking for ps4 Gaming youtubers to play Minecraft/cod Bo3,Etc

    Im looking for some people Under the age of 18 to make youtube videos with nt acc may say im an adult but my parents set it up. Anyway we will be playing Ps4 Minecraft Cod Bo3 Paladins and some other games But i focus on minecraft on my channel Requirements: 20+ Subs Under 18 years old Have a...
  3. Radiant Skies

    Gaming Minecraft PC Collaborations!

    Hello, all! I'm a super friendly Minecraft YouTuber looking to grow the channel through collaborations. Unless someone has an idea I think is amazing, these collabs would probably just be minigames (which wouldn't lock us into a series and will share our viewers!) Though I'm not a huge channel...