
  1. Eveyxo

    Request Need a Animated Intro for My Vids <3

    Hey! I'm looking for an animated intro for my videos, and I've already got the basic idea of what I want, I just suck at animating and stuff like that, haha! I need someone to create the intro for me. I will give credit to you if you agree to make it. Thanks! <3
  2. Blurix

    Gaming Lookin for Mincecraft Youtubers To Collab With

    Lookin for Mincecraft Youtubers To Collab With in some videos or livestream
  3. Z

    Request Need a good quality intro for my new channel! Willing to pay.

    Hi there, I've recently just started uploading after many years wondering what if.. I'm in need of a YouTube intro and I'm willing to pay. My username is ZVCH and I would like a funny intro including my username and my face I have a picture of. If this is something you can do then please contact...
  4. M

    Making my first Q and A NEED QUESTIONS

    I will show the questions on the video. Little bit of info about my channel...I have Dogs,cats,alpacas,chickens and ducks and I make videos on Animal training,Fun Videos and Vlogs. You Can Ask Questions about the animals or any other questions you may have.. Thank you
  5. A


    Looking for a intro outro banner and logo, if you can help ill give you a shout out in one of my videos thanks!
  6. Salvatore

    Voice Acting Need voice over! :)

    I need voice over for youtube videos let me know if you can help me :) We already have someone who write the scripts and we need someone who do voiceover. -Thank You
  7. ClassicShinner

    Why is my channel growing slow?

    What do I need to do to improve my channel as a whole so I could get noticed by a lot of people. I upload almost everyday and nothing if you guys could give me some feedback that would be very much appreciated! Youtube channel: Much love!
  8. Zicon

    Request In need of an Intro and Outro

    Hey I need an intro and outro for my YouTube channel with the colors of my profile picture I will but a link of your channel in the description of every single video I make.
  9. terror569

    Feedback needed! My Switzerland vlog video!

    Please tell me what did I do wrong, what to improve, etc. Thanks :up2:
  10. Marioud Koko

    Request Need a cartoon made profile pic

    Can anyone help me make a cartoon version of myself for my youtube channel. I'll gladly pay, do shutouts, etc.
  11. doktornpro

    Which Topics Need More Attention ?

    Alright, so I just posted a similar topic not long ago, but didn't really get a lot of responses, so I will just ask you a question. As the title says, which topics do you think deserve, but aren't getting enough attention ? I am searching for such topics to make videos about and popularize...
  12. Carnomond

    Gaming Minecraft PC Hardcore Co-op series

    Hey! Kirbalt here and I am looking for someone awesome to make a hardcore co-op series or someone who wants to just record in general... I recently posted a straw poll on my channel and it is pretty clear that my viewers are interested in a series like this. I just recently hit 200 subs and am...
  13. Kousuke-shii

    Need feedbacks for my thumbails and editing!!

    Hey guys! I was talking to someone I know recently and they said I need to improve my thumbnails. The thing is, I don't know how to. I came here to ask for feedbacks on my thumbnails, tell me what you like or dislike about it just so I'll know. If you have the time, I also need feedback on my...
  14. P

    Request [Free] Need Banner And Icon

    I need a banner and a Icon for my new channel, I'll credit you for it in my channel disc.
  15. Razz_

    Music for My channel? Should i?

    ok ok before you move this post this time just listen. I just was wondering SHOULD I get music for my channel? I think it's a cool plus for a channel to have and adds a good sence of originality. also I was wondering where I could find/buy some custom music for my channel..... I could take the...
  16. 123Zeus

    Request [Paid] Looking For A Custom Logo/Avatar

    I need a custom logo or avatar to start branding my channel with. I am willing to pay real money for the design. The price can be negotiated with me via skype or pm on this site; however I AM NOT looking for an art job in the hundreds. I am sorry but I can't afford that. I already have an idea...
  17. Mr Danny

    Top 15 Events of 2015

    A dumb 'Year in Review' video. Hope you enjoy! :)
  18. Manly Madness

    Feedback Please :)

    I would appreciate if you could give me some feedback on my channel... I will be happy to hear anything