mens long hair

  1. xingcat

    Mens Long Hair: First Haircut After 2.5 Years

    Since I started documenting my long hair growth process, I've mentioned getting a haircut. Now, I've finally done it!
  2. xingcat

    Mens Long Hair: Repairing Split Ends?

    A conversation about whether or not products can repair split ends.
  3. xingcat

    Mens Long Hair: 26 Month Update

    Here I go, still not cutting my hair!
  4. xingcat

    Mens Long Hair: What Causes Hair Damage?

    A long video (for me) about what can cause hair damage, split ends, and general unhappiness with your hair.
  5. xingcat

    Men's Long Hair: Cleaning Your Hairbrush

    Just a couple of quick tips about why and how to clean your hairbrush for good hair maintenance.
  6. xingcat

    Men's Long Hair: Grey Hair

    A couple of people made comments about grey hair on my last update video (my own and theirs), so I dive into the subject of grey hair. What causes it? How can it be addressed? Should you grow long hair if it's grey?
  7. xingcat

    Men's Long Hair: Winter Hair Care

    It's cold in my neck of the woods! Today, I talk about some strategies for dealing with winter weather and not letting it ruin your long hair.
  8. xingcat

    Men's Long Hair: Long Hair Annoyances

    Just a bit of whining about how long hair can be a pain sometimes!
  9. xingcat

    Men's Long Hair: Product Review, Hair Ties for Guys

    My first product review in a really long time. I review a premium hair tie product that's offered by another YouTube channel.
  10. xingcat

    Men's Long Hair: Month 23 Growth Update

    What's more exciting than watching hair grow? NOTHING! (Well, okay...almost anything.) I've almost hit the 2-year mark of no haircuts, and it's because of something other than laziness...vanity! Or something! Okay, here's the video: