
  1. Puck Mitchell

    Seriously critique my channel.

    Looking for constructive criticism, if I don't agree. That is fine, just opinions. But I am trying to pinpoint where I am going wrong, in my titles perhaps. My thumbnails(they are basic but I have an eye for art) again subjective so let me know! Some ideas of things to look at! # voice audio...
  2. Puck Mitchell

    A Short And Sweet DARK SOULS 3 battle vs Anri and Horace!

    BOOM Alo elo peopo! I really hope you enjoy this little video where I take on Anri and Horace in New game + I messed up her quest line on my previous run so I decided to just kill them both. Turned out to be an interesting fight - Have a watch!
  3. Talooka

    WOULD YOU READ PEOPLE'S MINDS?! (The Talooka Talk Box Episode 2)

    Episode 2 of The Talooka Talk Box is up! Send us a topic, question, or challenge to put in the talk box and we'll do it in a future episode! Link in the description. Here's the video: If you have any suggestions/critiques please let us know! I take criticism very well :D