looking for a gaming collaboration

  1. Paranoia_Origins

    Gaming (PS4) Looking for Serious, Passionate, and Consistent YouTubers To Grow Our Channel Together!

    Hey everyone just wanted people to go and check out my youtube gaming channel, i'm also doing creating graphic designs for all youtubers so if anyone wouldn'd mind checking out my video(s) and telling me how everything looks, sounds, i'm always trying new ideas and such so i'm trying really hard...
  2. Paranoia_Origins

    Gaming Looking For Passionate & Consistent PS4 YouTubers For Collaboration

    this post is closed
  3. Paranoia_Origins

    Gaming (PS4) Looking For A Long Term Passionate and Dedicated Content Creators For Our YouTube Group!

    Here's some information about me. Me is looking for some Passionate and Dedicated Content Creators For Our YouTube Group thats are looking to collaborate on a frequent basis. I want to make some good friends and partners for our YouTube journey. Here's some information about me. My Name...
  4. Paranoia O Rigins

    Gaming Looking for Awesome Gaming Channels and PS4 Gamers to Do Collaborations With

    I trying hard to find gamers who can work with me and create funny other types of gaming content together as a group. I'm a starting out YouTube Channel looking for people with PS4's to create some gaming content together. I'm pretty much free to start doing that with people at any time since...
  5. JustMonotone

    Gaming Looking for a Mature and Fun Gaming Group!

    Hey guys, JustMonotone here! I have been doing some research about how to grow on YouTube and a lot of people say collaboration is a good way to enjoy yourself while gathering your sub bases from both parties. I am looking for someone/people who are mature and like to have fun while gaming on...
  6. LyrexYT

    Gaming Wanna join a collaboration?

    My name is Lyrex, (pronounced Lyrics ) and I'm looking for people to join a collaboration with my youtube channel. I've been wanting to join in and do different games, then this one game I normally always record. I'm looking for other youtubers who would like to participate in doing...
  7. ParanoiaOrigins

    Other PS4 Gaming Collaberations Wanted

    About my YouTube Channel My niche - I make gaming videos with my ps4 since i dont have a proper gaming desktop to so. The kind of videos i want to make when i'm collaboration is video games - I would like to make a lot of gaming videos as part of the collaboration and a lot more as we grow...
  8. ParanoiaOrigins

    Gaming LF YouTube Buddies to Be A "Part House of Frost Wolves" Gaming

    What does my collaboration(s) consists of? I want to make a collaboration on black ops 3, dark souls, GTA 5, Kitten Squad, Minecraft, Rocket League, Smite, Star wars Battlefront, The Division, War Thunder (PlayStation 4) in which we will be trying to show we be trying to ether complete heist...
  9. Twisst

    Gaming Looking for a Gaming Collaboration

    Hey guys, my youtube channel is called Twisst and i do lots of gaming videos. I currently have 145 subscribers and am looking for another channel to do some videos with and help grow my channel.