
  1. Willyghee


    I'm extremely happy with myself although this is a low number It gives me the motivation to achieve my next goal 200 subscribers! 3 days ago i was at 37 subs and now I'm at 100! Thank you everyone for all the support and checkout my new upload on my channel! :) Thanks, Will
  2. A

    If you subscribe to me I'll sub back

    Guys check out my channel it's called Tekkaz subscribe and leave a comment I'll will sub to u
  3. RizzleyVlogs

    Finally at 1000 views!

    We've finally got to over 1000 views! Our first proper milestone!
  4. themoosan

    Moosan Movie video idea

    hi, I've got a video idea and idk if its a good one. it is that every month i make a stupid "movie" about 5-10 minutes long, they will be comedy and not very serious! sometimes i will get some other people into my video as well! if you want to see how my videos will be then check out my latest...
  5. themoosan

    6 months on YouTube!

    hi I'm themoosan, I have now been on YouTube for 6 months and I love making videos, I think I need to post a bit more as I have been lacking in uploads but in half a year I have got 61 subs and about 1,200 views :) I'm pretty happy with that. Goal for 2016 is getting to 100 subs and 2,500 views...
  6. themoosan

    Please review my channel :)

    Hi I'm themoosan! I uploaded a vid yesterday and my YouTube channel is slowly growing :) can someone please give me some pointers on my channel so I can make it more enjoyable for viewers? Thanks for your time :)
  7. JayyDaGawd

    Black Ops 3 Gameplay: IM BACKKKKK

    Hey everyone! I have left youtube for a few months now and i am back and better then ever! I hope you guys check out my video and it explains everything on why i left youtube and also what my future plans are. Hope to hear from you guys soon. Also, don't forget constructive criticism is...
  8. Pulzu

    Gaming channel need help to start

    - I am a new gamer to Youtube.What is better?To go alone popular games like Legend of Leaguends,COD,CS GO..., or new games? - Is it better to play mmorpg, mob , a shooter or any other category?Also which are now popular, the game on Youtube? - Get all the advice you can , it will help me a...
  9. Cihat Emre K.

    What do you like on YouTube?

    I hope you like what you love and impressions of the subscribers and all that video?
  10. Callum Macdonald

    Unleash The Beast! (Black Ops 3 Zombies)

    Whats up guys! Im starting up my youtube channel and Ive just uploaded my first video! Going to be doing a range of games from BO3 to fallout, Rainbow Six Siege to alien isolation. Check out the video below and leave a comment, like and a sub if you enjoyed! P.S: If you are a ps4 player and...
  11. TheJNDuoPHL

    Facebook Welcome to our FB Page!

    If you are an arcader or a YouTuber, you are welcome to visit The JN Duo Facebook Page! Our page will be full of photos, bloopers, jokes, and many more! We are continually uploading FB content twice or thrice a week! Your visit is a ticket to a journey full of adventures everywhere. Your friend...
  12. IIDeeDeeJay

    Gaming A YouTuber Who Does Funny Moments, Q&A's, Vlogs and More!

    I'm looking for people to collaborate with for funny moments videos on games like GTA5 and more! I have 4.8K Subscribers currently and I am looking to collaborate with people around the same size as my channel. Some Requirements I Also Have: - Confident In Videos - Atleast 4K Subcribers or a...
  13. Pierre Maynard

    TIME TRAVEL IS POSSIBLE! (Life is Strange part 1)

    This game is Life im so pumped to play this fantastic game! Watch me as I go on an epic adventure in to the Strange life of Max Caulfield. This game is a type of choose your own path game, and it all starts with one bizzaro dream that max has. Hope you enjoy this video! it took me a while to...
  14. K

    The Thing I Hate Most About YouTube

  15. Moses Minchuk

    What is a linked comment?

    I have received a comment on my video and on top it said "linked comment." Does anyone know what this is?