grow audience

  1. Group04

    why it is too hard to grow subcribers

    HI, I'm from Group 04, a music channel on youtube. Why it is too hard to grow subcribers ? We are trying to do everything we got to make more audience for our channel, we work hard to make more video, more music[ Premiere]. If you have any tips, please share it, that will help us. And Can you...
  2. Rafij Rahman Rohan

    Need advice to get first 100 subs :)

    Hello best friends, My name is Rohan.I just running a YouTube channel on my name where I post Tutorials,Tips & Tricks,Techs video.I always try to give you guys some quality content.I already got my 18 subscriber in 1 month.I am a new YouTuber so I need tips & advice to get my first 100 subs...
  3. Altairsfriend

    What is your hook that gets viewers to subscribe?

    I'm still trying to find mine, and was curious to see if you guys would share. I'm still new to this whole thing and I could use some pointers to help grow our small channel. Thanks!:biggrin:
  4. HyDraid

    Grow your YouTube audience Quickly (GUIDE)

    Quality video content is king! Before we crack on, I need to mention something very important here. Trying to grow an audience on YouTube is just the same as trying to grow an audience for your blog! In other words the starting point is content. No sorry let me rephrase that… The starting point...