free background music


    Services MELODYFLIX - Free Music For Content Creators

    Hi, I'm Pat, founder of, a website dedicated to providing handpicked free music for movies, games, applications, and podcasts. Hundreds of free music tracks are available for use in your YouTube videos - for commercial and monetization purposes. New music is uploaded every week...
  2. OpenMusicRevolution

    Services Introducing Open Music Revolution - Free Music for YouTubers

    Hi everyone, As a music producer for almost 10 years now, I have always wanted to have my own website for music licencing. I have been lucky enough to be able to make a living from stock music (I'm one of the top 10 authors on the site AudioJungle), but I know this isn't going to last forever...
  3. L

    Services Free Background Music and Intro Themes

    You can check out my selection of free background music and short intro themes. The music can be used for free for non-commercial purposes (and in monetized YouTube videos that are otherwise non-commercial in nature) as long as credit is provided (music by longzijun). The short themes range in...
  4. Malthe

    Services [Relax/Chill Background Music] SettingsOFF - Trust | No Copyright

    If you need FREE background music then this is the channel for you! I upload FREE background music weekly. just go to my channel and then my latest release, for hearing the song in the title :D - Beats&Packs
  5. FreeBackgroundMusic

    No Copyright Music for YouTube video creators

    FreeBackgroundMusic Hi there, We have been working really hard to get the best producers and make them to give incredible music for YouTube video creators. We have already very good data base with free, no copyright music. We are your next upload will be safe of no copyright claims or strikes...