export settings

  1. TinasToyTime

    Filmora - best export settings?

    Hi all, My YT channel is for children - it's all real - life and no animations (not sure if that info assists for answering my question). I export at 8-10,000 bitrate and 60 fps but it is VERY glitchy. It flashes constantly. This isn't my internet connection, as no other videos do this! I tried...
  2. Roman Ryder

    17Mbps vs 24Mbps

    I've been recording at 17Mbps, but only uploading at 1280x720. I'm starting to get more views, so I think it may be time for me to start uploading at 1920x1080. Should I continue to record at 17Mbps or go to 24Mbps? Also, do I need to make any changes to the default export settings, such as...
  3. Teknickel 10

    Help with Adobe Premiere exports...

    Hey guys, So I have a quick issue with my adobe premiere '17 videos when I upload them. I export to 1080p 60fps and the resulting video file looks great. I then upload and can watch them fine on desktop but NOT on mobile. For some reason on mobile it only allows me to select 480p as the...
  4. L

    Video jittery/choppy once uploaded

    Hey everyone, I'm new here. Have a question regarding video quality after uploading on youtube. I exported a video with Premier Pro but during playback on youtube the video is choppy/jittery every second or so. Like the video almost pauses for a 10th of a second during the whole video...