entertainment purposes

  1. ItsMythix

    The Most Embarrassing Thing In My Life???

    SO HERE WE HAVE SOME OF THE BEST QUESTIONS FOR ME xD This Was My Most recent video Lets go for 150 subscribers by the end of the 7 weeks holiday. Please Like, Subscribe and Comment! ALSO: Give me some pros and cons on my videos it really helps and send me some video ideas via the comments...
  2. SharSjar

    SharSjar's Entertainment Channel

    Since my channel is more based on entertainment than just gaming, I'll make a post here. Today I'm going to try to put up the next drinking game video. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.Check out my newest game play! Tomorrow I hope to have my newest drinking game! Owwwh, my first...
  3. X

    Making videos with copyrighted songs

    Hello! I want to start a non-profit channel just for entertainment purposes, with my videos containing copyrighted songs. They would be something like music videos but in my case a copyrighted song would be just accompanying the story I shot to convey my point (for some reason I can't post a...