earn cash

  1. SeanFace101

    Monetisation Disabled, but its says i have no Adsense.. Why is this?

    I'm not allowed to enable monetisation on my videos due to it says invalid click, which I must have done many years and wen I was just starting out or something. :P So I cant earn money from my channel (or any channel infact I create as its the same google account)... So.. Can I team up with...
  2. SeanFace101

    How do i add the MCN ads to my video(s)?

    So I just had a look at this MCN website "Music Nations" and it looks good (well, its the first one ive seen too lol) :P It says they offer 60% revenue share. I need to have at least 50 views per day on my channel first before I sign up so I need to wait a little while for now but I'm wondering...