cod waw

  1. Kniving777

    Gaming Looking for a solid group of friends - Funny Moments

    Hi everyone, I'm Kniving777, and I'm looking for some more people to play games with Basically, I'd like to start a close group of friends who play games together. I've switched my channel to "Funny Moments" and such, so commentaries/letsplays aren't really my thing. This way, I like...
  2. KongZombies

    Gaming (600+ Subs) Custom Zombies PC Collab

    Hey! I'm Kong Zombies, and I have a Youtube channel currently at 671 subscribers. I want to help others grow on Youtube while also creating content for my channel, and I thought that this was the perfect way. I've decided to change my channel content to just custom zombies, so that's why I need...
  3. Jknopf277

    Gaming Looking for a group of Youtube friends! (PC)

    Hey everyone, I thought id give it a shot looking for some great small youtubers that either just started or are on the same page as me. Im 14, looking for 14 - 17 year olds, but I can be lenient. I post funny moments videos, possibly lets plays in the future and I play on PC, so I cant collab...