channel art request

  1. JustSeb

    Request Channel Art and maybe Thumbnails?

    Hello, so basically the main thing I am requesting as you can tell is the channel art/banner, if anyone could help with this I would highly appreciate it and I will repay you in some way, I am also looking for someone to consistently make me thumbnails but this isn't fully needed, thanks in advance!
  2. Tazi


    Hi guys! Hope you are having a great day. So recently I've been wanting to develop my branding a little bit. I have an exact idea on what I want my channel art to look like. I've done multiple drawings and have talked with a few people to help me out. The main issue I'm having is the distance...
  3. Gingican Games

    Request Channel art/ Banner

    I made a new logo for my channel and I'm very proud of it but I am clueless on what or how to make channel art! Is there anyone that can make a banner that says Gingican Games on it and caters toward gaming for free? Thank you it would be much appreciated! The one I have I made on the fly it's...
  4. V

    Request I need Channel art

    I am in need of channel Art asap. I am looking for a banner and a channel logo. Please tell me if you are interested in making me some.I will also not pay for the channel art and I am looking for something involving a voodoo doll for the logo and for the banner just be creative whatever you...
  5. maddenchump

    Request need channel art

    I was wondering if someone could make me better channel art what I have now is ok but not great I do madden videos if that helps tell you anything about what kind of channel art I would like. I request this be for free I could pay you in yttalk money but I don't have a lot yet so not sure anyone...