channel art. banner

  1. ZeroDasFreak

    art work sugesstions

    hey guys im a newer member of yttalk and i wanted to get suggestions as to what to do to redo my channel art and profile image. what comes to mind when that you hear "ZeroDasFreak" either out loud or in your head? to me multiple things come to mind that i cant just pick one. also what is the...
  2. Ender_L

    Request [Free] In need of casual gaming channel banner(and maybe Icon)

    Something simple, but I'm awful at graphics in general so I can't really do it :/ Channel name: Ender_L I would like the banner to be kind of futuristic and spacey
  3. SeanFace101

    Request [Paid] I need a channel banner made? (I will pay, let me know price)

    I am looking for a banner to be made for me for my YouTube channel. I am willing to pay someone to create it for me. Please give me a reply below and let me know if you can do it for me and how much you are wanting for it. Thanks :D
  4. The Oblivious Crew

    Opinions on new channel art?

    Please let me know what you guys think of my new channel art! It looks better on my channel because of the way it's cropped, but here it is anyways :D
  5. Oliver Eaton

    Request I need someone to design an updated channel art for my channel. [No Payment]

    Hello YT, Oliver here. Im new to this site as I was recommended by another YouTuber to use this site to ask. What I want is a new banner for my channel art that features my YouTube accounts name (Oliver Eaton) and has a nice friendly looking design.