20000 subscribers

  1. T

    Gaming Minecraft collab with a 1k+ Subs youtuber

    Hey fellas, I’m a really small YT channel with only a few subs. So I’m wondering if anyone with around 1k subs (or more) wants to collab? Or even better if anyone has a good vanilla smp similar to Hermitcraft to join that would be tons of fun. I’m a good builder and I have a few video ideas but...
  2. Justine

    20,000 Subscribers. Imagine My Shock.

    So I never really saw my channel hitting 100 subscribers. And then it did. And I never saw my channel hitting 1,000 subscribers. And then it did. NOW IMAGINE MY SHOCK NOW THAT I'VE HIT 20,000 SUBSCRIBERS. ITS WILD TBH. But yeah, uh, despite not uploading in a bit and seemingly dropping off the...
  3. KiddieToysReview

    20,000 Subs!

    We've hit 20k subs over the last day or so, and the views are steadily increasing. Another important milestone was passing 1M views/48 hours. I've set a target of 50,000 subs by the end of 2016. Highly ambitious but doable I think. We also want to hit 1M views/day. Seems like a nice round...
  4. The8BitMonkey

    OMG, 20,000 Subscribers!

    Hi all, I should post here more often rather then just when big things happen and I will I promise but I just hit 20,000 Subscribers on YouTube, I know that it will likely go down and up but right now at the time of posting this I have hit the 20,000 mark....well 20,004 to be exact :) I just...