16+ collabs

  1. T

    Gaming Looking for gaming friends (PC)

    hello, my name is Tyler and I'm looking for some people to make some content with and have a good time. I'm looking for people that play. Fortnite rocket league call of duty ww2 minecraft csgo GTA V black ops 2 must be 16+
  2. Dupylo

    Gaming Looking for People to Make Funny vids with, 16+, PS4

    my channel is called Dupylo, 2k atm, just want a few more friends who make yt vids and are serious about it w a good mic. 16+ PS4 if you will be playing Blackout that would be awesome. im 18 btw, my psn is Dupylo add me there or reply here, twitter @petedupylo peace.
  3. HiftyNifty

    Gaming Collaborations / Friends

    Collaborations / Friends (My friends and I are looking for people to collaborate with, so far everyone that has said they are up to record are never online or never reply back.) About: Currently we there are only three of us, we're looking for more friends to have a laugh or two with and make...