YTtalk Upgraded

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What's even worse, I made a presentation months ago AND IT STILL HASN"T BEEN PRESENTED!!! Why are you out to get my Michael, WHYYYY!!!!!

What you on about you have already been released :D Yeah, all the badges that were there are going but we will find another way to reward our presenters very soon :)
Nuuuu, my beautiful Partner Badge! Haha, just kidding, it makes sense most YouTubers are partnered with someone or other by this point. All great changes :D
Well, even if they aren't "partnered" so to speak, I like to think of us all as partners, partners of the video making world, partners of gifs, partners in success, partners in failure, NO YOU CAN NOT HAVE A SHOUT OUT. What was I saying? Oh yes, in the end we're all partners in this together, we wear the badge in our hearts. NO YOU MAY NOT HAVE MY YTTALK CASH. But yeah, partners....
What you on about you have already been released :D Yeah, all the badges that were there are going but we will find another way to reward our presenters very soon :)
You released the video and didn't tell me? Michael... MICHAEL... MIIIICCHHHAAAEEELLLLL!!!!!!!! I hope people liked it and shizzzzz I'll make a new one soon lol
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