YTTalk Just Got A Little Sexier!

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YTTalk's Local Sloth
Hello guys, you may or may not have noticed that a couple of small updates have occurred around the forums tonight.

Firstly, the tabs layout has changed slightly, meaning that there is now a couple of new tabs to be accessed. The Latest and Popular tabs are still how they were, but a new "Articles" tab has been added, under which threads from the Articles, Resources and Tutorials board (found here) shall be shown, which will hopefully encourage users to share their tips with the community, due to the threads being more easily noticed.

Also, the Videos tab now has its own block, and also has its own separate popular tab, so that the most popular videos can be seen and shared, and possibly draw more attention to the video forums.
The Milestone Announcements board can now be found on the main page, just underneath YouTube Chat, Gossip and Help.

Members online has been moved from the side of the site to the bottom, it is still exactly as it was in terms of content, but it can now be located under the forums.

Furthermore, the board currently known as YouTube Chat and Gossip has been changed to "YouTube Chat, Gossip and Help". This has been made due to the large number of general YouTube support threads being created, so hopefully this should make posting in the right board a little easier!
That is all for now, let us know what you think of the updates, and if you have any suggestions, be sure to contact me, or one of the other staff members!
Hello guys, you may or may not have noticed that a couple of small changes have occurred around the forums tonight.

Firstly, the tabs layout has changed slightly, meaning that there is now a couple of new tabs to be accessed. The Latest and Popular tabs are still how they were, but a new "Articles" tab has been added, under which threads from the Articles, Resources and Tutorials board (found here) shall be shown, which will hopefully encourage users to share their tips with the community, due to the threads being more easily noticed.

Also, the Videos tab now has its own block, and also has its own separate popular tab, so that the most popular videos can be seen and shared, and possibly draw more attention to the video forums.
The Milestone Announcements board can now be found on the main page, just underneath YouTube Chat, Gossip and Help.

Members online has been moved from the side of the site to the bottom, it is still exactly as it was in terms of content, but it can now be located under the forums.

Furthermore, the board currently known as YouTube Chat and Gossip has been changed to "YouTube Chat, Gossip and Help". This has been made due to the large number of general YouTube support threads being created, so hopefully this should make posting in the right board a little easier!
That is all for now, let us know what you think of the changes, and if you have any suggestions, be sure to contact me, or one of the other staff members!
Very informative infomation:up:
I noticed the new video section and was waiting for a thread to pop up about it. :p Thanks for the info, and glad to see you are adjusting well to your new position.
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