YTTALK Forum Big 21 Questions Collaboration

Mr Rider

Who are you?! - Lui C
Changed to 22 as I mistakenly thought we had 22 people doing it. (oops! oh well)

In relation to this thread originally by Khalil Franklin:

We are setting up a group collaboration where we all answer 22 questions (decided by the community) and link everyone's individual videos as a way to both promote our personalities/channels and as a way of getting to know each other better. (allowances obviously made for comedy value should some people decide to go down the route of making jokes at every single question. That's totally fine should you want to.)

@Khalil Franklin , @LuiC , @brodielawrence, @Emily Gulliford , @RidereFilmsBeth, @G.C.S.Gaming, @JohnKenShow , @cmcollection, @ezmac, @colevincent1 ,@sammydeedge , @Anouskaisobell, @MarkRodriguez2012 , @GarnetSeren, @Nadd Bello, @Kate (Caitlin), @maddy, @foggy, @JacobofArabia, @KERO5829 and I are all onboard.

I've also been asked by Emily if we could pass out details like Skype, etc. to make it easy to contact each other about the event. I was going to message you all individually but i figured it'd be easier posting here.
If any of you have Twitter/Facebook/E-mail and you are willing to be contacted, please update your contact details on your profile if you have not got it visible already.

No exact date has been set yet. I'm sure we can decide together.

Once you all have your videos ready for going public, if you could send me the URL link to your video I will compile a list here so we can all link each other in annotations/descriptions. Video URLs can be found on this page --->

The Questions!:

1)What would you like written on your grave stone? - by Daniel Gonzalez

2)What are 3 things that are physically close to you? - Khalil Franklin

3)If you were an animal, what would you be? - Garnet Seren

4)If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life what would it be? - Jacobofarabia

5)Why did you join YouTube? - Cole Vincent

6)What were you doing at midnight last night? -Garnet Seren

7)If you had the chance to re-live your life would you? if yes, what would you do different? - KERO5829

8)What's your favorite color? - AnnaLovesVlogging

9)Which YouTubers inspired you to start your own channel? - CatsRants

10)If you were stuck on a treasure island, what 3 things couldn't you live without? - IntellectualBadass

11)If you could switch bodies with one famous person for a day, who would it be and why? - Enzerutomoshibi

12)If you could have one super power, what would it be? - Munchito696

13)Why did you choose your YouTube name? - ShenShen

14)What are you afraid of? - Camille Montpetit

15)What is the thing you hate the most? - Smudgetaz1

16)Would you rather be incredibly short, or incredibly tall? - BreakTS

17)Would you knock out a kid for 10 million legit subscribers who would always watch your vids? - SamaJaffa

18)Vegetarian or Murderous dinosaur? / Alpha predator or leaf muncher? - White Rider Video

19)If a camel and a shark had a fight what would the square route of 12 be? - Foggy

20)Why do we bake cookies, but we cook bacon? - JWB

21)Does it make you mad when people put the toilet paper roll on backwards? Do you change it, or just accept it? What do you consider backwards? - Munchito696

22)Would you rather eat one plate of plain pasta (and ONLY one plate of pasta) per day or have to yell the number seven every seven minutes? - Blake Akerstedt
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That's what I like to hear. I'll keep updating the original post to keep track of who's happy to participate.

Hopefully we can get a decent list of questions going.