YouTuber's lego collection gets stolen :(


Youtube star republicattak has made a goodbye video after having his whole collection taking over 14 years to collect and many of his own creations stolen and what they couldn't take just smashed and destroyed.

The video is utterly heartbreaking and so hard to watch. It's not just the monetary value, it's all the time and effort he has put into it over the years. :(

His channel:

Poor guy :(

Apparently, "Lego", the company have been contacted to see if they can help and here is their initital reply:

I watched Formula 1 and Bugatti Chiron cars made from LEGOs today. Some people are very dedicated to their LEGO hobby. I hope this man will get his collection restored somehow, the original one or a replacement.
:eek: That's so sad! :( That poor guy! I hope those lego thieves are caught... If this happened to me and my hobbies, I'd feel so ruined inside... I really hope he can find a way to keep going with his lego hobby after this... :(
seemed like a very personal attack from someone online I bet. rather than just someone wanting to steal from him. huge shame. I hope the lego company can do something, but personal creations will be lost forever
From the comments under the video.
Donation was closed after reaching $18,000 (USD) which was the estimated loss of his legos.
Sadly money cannot pay the time and effort that he took to build all those things.
I understand how he feels. You put the time and effort into it and along comes some a$$holes and destroys it all or steals it. It feels like your insides were ripped out. I really feel sorry for him. This is heartbreaking.