YouTube To Mp3


Super Poster
Hey Guys.

Just another quick tutorial on how you can download the soundtrack (audio) of any YouTube video directly to your Computer as an mp3. This tool is useful if you maybe don't know the name of a song in a video or if there is some kind of special version of a song on Youtube that you can't find anywhere else. Some of you may know about this and some may not:

Step 1:

Go to this address: http://www.***********.org/

You will see this page:


*The box above the Convert video button will not have a URL in it if you have not used it before*

Step 2: Go to YouTube and go to a video that you like, I had This video open for example:


It does not matter what the video is, im just using this as an example.

Step 3: Copy the URL from this bar:


Your URL will be different unless you want this exact video :D.

Step 4: Paste the URL e.g into this box:


Then Hit the Convert Video Button.

Step 5: Click the Download button and it will download the file to your default download loccation *Unless set otherwise this will be your downloads folder*


That's all you have to do!.

Have Fun
I moved this to the articles and tutorials forum for you, great stuff here I never realised you could do this :)