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GafferGames TechTac Vicboss Mother wanted me to invite you over for liver and onions tonight. Hey anyone seen Edbert?
He's probably sleeping...lazy bum

mmm liver! Is it fresh?

yeah...thats what dad said too...i asked why he isn't breathing said that was just him practicing playing dead for a play......i asked him why there is a stab wound in his gut..and dad said in the play thats how he much as i hate Edbert..i wish him all the best in the play...
yeah...thats what dad said too...i asked why he isn't breathing said that was just him practicing playing dead for a play......i asked him why there is a stab wound in his gut..and dad said in the play thats how he much as i hate Edbert..i wish him all the best in the play...
I wanna come! I hear they're having it in the graveyard! I saw Mother dressing Edbert's motion less body (He's a really good actor!) into a suit!