YouTube Partnership Network - Fullscreen

Fullscreens requirements seem to vary. I have seen small channels with 30 subs and 200 video views get accepted because their content was very good. And then I have seen big channels get rejected. I mean I got partnership with 125 subs and 11,000 views from fullscreen...but than I was told their policy changed and they only take channels with 1000 daily video but then I'll be damned someone I know got subbed trough them and they only had 200 subs and 15,000 video views. So really it varys and there are no requirements set in stone it seems.
One of the network sites I was on and reading about the other day laid out it's requirements (I don't remember the exact site or the exact figures, but these sound about right)

1,000 subscribers
15,000 video views a month

...but then, in italic print it said "unless you make great content, then we're willing to bend the rules" or something like that.

They (most networks) give their recruiters the freedom to use their own best judgement, to an extent.

Okay, I'm off to my bookmark tab to find which one. lol

One minute later... (edit)

Here. TGN's partnership requirements and stuff. Hope this helps.

Another edit: (haha)
I just noticed, they (TGN) don't say anything about subscribers at all. I'm sure that varies network to network though.
Hmm, I'm gonna be honest. I received the contract for joining Fullscreen, and based on its terms, you'll be giving up A LOT of control to Fullscreen, especially if your channel is very popular. I'm not really sure the benefits of joining them are enough to outweigh the enormous loss of controlling your own content as well as paying them part of your profits. People have said that they "believe" joining fullscreen will give them a higher share of revenue than through Adsense, but I'm really not seeing any strong evidence to support this, especially since it isn't clear exactly how much YouTube takes through their partnership program.

Also, whoever said that you can leave Fullscreen at any time is wrong. When you sign with them, you are locked in for at least two years. That's a pretty long period if you ask me.
Every contract you sign says something along the lines of they are paying for your ads, however it also states in the contract that you retain the rights to your video(s).
And if I am not mistaken I believe the Adsene YouTube cut is 55 (Google)/45 (You)

I don't know why every says the contracts are 2 years, I got a 1 Year Contract that I was MORE than happy to sign with Creator X/Fullscreen.