Youtube Partnership Confusion...

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1) You should consider joining a network especially when you are a large channel. They can help with a lot of things including branding, sponsorships and click-bomb protection.
2) I would base my decision on the network by who they are actually are and what are they offering me. It's really important you do your research.
3) Generally you will earn more from a network, but this can depend on a number of factors.
4) It depends on the network, but it can take from around 1 day to over a week.
5) No, you do not need to unpartner with YouTube, usually the process in longer though.
6) Networks can offer you many things, do your research when joining. Some might give you free branding, sponsorships, license rights, royalty free music etc.
What would I earn per 1000 views without a network partnership then?
Lewis, please look around the forums about partnering, adsense, etc., before posting your question here. :) I've seen a kazillion similar threads and, unfortunately, no one abuses the huge abundance of resources we have on networks by simply browsing the Partnerships & Networks forum, or even using the search bar! :/ I'll be closing this topic since it's redundant!
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