ghostlyrich the information you provide is very blurred, and your research is based on self failures. macdonalds is hiring.
There is no better network out there. The services you get from all these networks you mentioned are basic and everything you mentioning is basic knowledge.
You guys work for fullscreen and you are doing your best to lure victims into your network. eventually everything you do will catch up as more and more creators get educated into all this and dump networks. and eventually you will be forced to shut down and stop milking creators for their hard earned content.
Anywhere as a creator do not be thinking that you should be worrying about a network to accept you. Networks need you otherwise most of these networks wont exist without you. so as creators educate yourself on how things work and realize that you are the most important part of every network out-there, cant you see you are being played.
As long a network does not offer you production facilities or anything of value do not join any network.
You should see a network as you business partners and not more superior than you.
Your such a f*****g joke it's hard to stop laughing... I DON'T WORK for for fullscreen XD i am a member of the community who enjoys my network and partner manager and did aloooottttt of research like Flammy Wreckless Eating markkaz gisikw the name's i mentioned are with a variety of networks and some not in networks at all and they would back me on the fact you are full of s**t and will vouch i am in no way working for fullscreen i used them as a example.. hell even ask Austin Billings