Youtube game idea

Hey guys. Whats a good free website that allows you to store pictures and word documents that others can easily download from when given the link?
Like I said above, google docs is probably the easiest for everyone to use:
There are alternatives such as putfile or similar sites. You could always try a skydrive and I think they have something similar with live(or hotmail - whichever you use).
ok peeps. Tomorrow I shall commence the recording!!! For the tester it will basically be the fighting fantasy book "The warlock on firetop mountain" I plan to have everything I need by monday and can then begin editing and piece it all together on youtube for everyone to play. From there I can do more of the books and also my own dungeons and dragons stories I have planned[DOUBLEPOST=1408104156,1408033336][/DOUBLEPOST]youtube story game update. 69 voice recordings completed out of 400.
quite a way to go yet lol:cryphones:

Time for some food shopping and a cider me thinks, before carrying on :cheerbeer:
Another update
seems work has been a poo and changed my days off 3 days before I have them! Surely they are not aloud to do this? grrr....anyway I now should be ready to edit after wednesday as I now have Tuesday and wednesday off for recording.
Ok peeps. Recording is now complete. Let the editing process begin!![DOUBLEPOST=1408662434,1408629643][/DOUBLEPOST]One thing I just realised. Wouldnt this be considered copywrite? Im already stating at the start its writen and created by steve jackson and ian livingstone. Would it also be good to also advertise about buying the books at the end? I just worry I may be penalised for a potentially good idea for a new series of youtube videos? What other good ways could I cover my back? Or do I not need to worry about it?
Ok peeps. Recording is now complete. Let the editing process begin!![DOUBLEPOST=1408662434,1408629643][/DOUBLEPOST]One thing I just realised. Wouldnt this be considered copywrite? Im already stating at the start its writen and created by steve jackson and ian livingstone. Would it also be good to also advertise about buying the books at the end? I just worry I may be penalised for a potentially good idea for a new series of youtube videos? What other good ways could I cover my back? Or do I not need to worry about it?
Well I could only recommend what you said, maybe say your idea is in relation to the books and then as you said do a little advertisement at the end or even put a link in the description. It's always good to cover your bases you know :)
Ok my last update until its uploaded. I have begun editing the recordings. Quality has come out very nice. up to number 21 out of 400 so here is the slow climb to completion. Once recordings done then will overlay atmospheric music and sound effects, short intro and credits etc. I am giving myself a month to have this completed and uploaded. So by September 24/08 It will be possible to play a game on YouTube!
So sharpen your swords, tune your senses and grab some dice!! lol For in a months time, you will be heading to Fire Top Mountain!!
Quick update as im currently at work.....until 11pm :crying:

Phase 1 of editing is now complete. Phase 2 now to begin which wont take nearly as long. Just a few tweaks and saved into video format. Phase 3 will be the upload and final edits to ensure the game runs smoothly.
Well due to work iv gone over my deadline but never fear!!! Im on holiday next week and plan to destroy phase 2 of editing. Then i just upload and test. Sweeeeeeet!