YouTube comments invisible?


Active Member
Google apparently thinks all my comments are spam and now they are only visible to me - they've been ghosted.

Anyone else get this?
If you comment too often you will trigger a simple algorithm subroutine and all your comments will be considered spam (will become invisible).
Nobody knows exactly how often is too often but that's how it is.
I don't think that has happened to my comments yet, although I have had some people's comments pop up as spam. Some of them actually are spam, but many are not.. =/ YouTube has really been messing with the comments these past few months, and I've noticed that their spam has flag has been triggering more frequently... =/
I think mine have become visible again, so if it happens I suggest you don't comment for a couple days until YouTube calms down. ^_^
What sort of things do you comment with?

I have seen some comments held up in my spam queue on Youtube, and then i look at what the commenter is saying, and it's usually spammy self-promotional stuff, or it's not really saying anything related to the video they commented on.
What sort of things do you comment with?

I have seen some comments held up in my spam queue on Youtube, and then i look at what the commenter is saying, and it's usually spammy self-promotional stuff, or it's not really saying anything related to the video they commented on.

It was just that it was a similar comment on two videos I think.