Youtube clips 1 min long


New Member
I just want to ask around what if someone made Youtube clips 1 min long do you still get your moneys worth compare to others that make 15-30min long clip on youtube?
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I assume you're talking about gaming videos, if so what I've heard is that viewers prefer longer videos, so in the long run that might be your best bet.
My opinion is if the content entertains for 1 minute. It was worth the watch. Same goes for 15 minute videos. If I'm watching 10 minutes of set up and another 2 minutes space out of the other five that actually entertain me then the long video was not worth watching over a 1 minute video.
Longer video will have more watch time than a shorter video with same view count, that's obvious, but more watch time will lead to more suggested videos to people and thereby more $$ overall. Of course the longer video has to be interesting.
But if it has a 15 non-skip ad and people see it is 48 seconds they'll click away mid-ad and not watch or flip away within the first 5 seconds because it isn't what they expected from the title and/or thumbnail. Lot's of variables.