YouTube being ignorant isn't going to help with the hate.

I'm glad to see they were called out by black people themselves, using this kind of "labelling" to split people in categories goes against the very concept of anti-racism that should unite people, instead of dividing them.
I think that the Tweet was totally unacceptable, racist and wrong. However, I also believe that it may have been made with honest, if completely misguided, intentions. That doesn't make it acceptable, of course, and I hope that the person that made the Tweet is given the opportunity to undergo training to understand why it's wrong. I hope that the person making this mistake wasn't just fired as some have suggested though. Just firing someone doesn't resolve the problem. Helping people learn and understand is what changes the world for the better?

A better way to improve diversity and understanding would have been for YouTube to share and promote videos discussing Black History Month and surrounding topics, rather than just to tell people to subscribe to creators because of the colour of their skin as this Tweet did....!
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They have all those video topics they force onto your home page, just make one for black history . If people don’t want to watch it then they don’t have to. They already put topics on there I don’t care about and haven’t searched for, so why not do it for things like holidays. At least the topics would educational.

I’m a black youtuber and I don’t even understand the point of this. I don’t need a bunch of new subs that don’t care about my content. If you want to help feature people’s videos.
''you told me that i wasn’t black enough to speak on black issues by striking my otherwise spotless channel, while your elite non black channels said N***er 300+ times, uncensored, freely while they cruised in the ‘trending tab’' - Sky Williams

All these tweets from Sky Williams about how Youtube is racist really show how much this guy cares about the issue. O but wait a minute! Mister Williams still has a Youtube channel and is actively working on content that is published on the platform that he labels as racist. I guess money is money, even if it's being put in your pocket by ''elite non-blacks''. I agree that the tweet from Youtube is dumb, but let's be honest here.. if you react the way like this guy does and you still decide to use the platform? Then you are just using a unfortunate tweet to give yourself a platform as well, making you just as bad of a person. Like somebody else said before: if he cared that much, he would make a statement and leave Youtube.

This is my entire problem with any kind of race discussion btw. It's filled with personal agendas from both sides and has absolutely nothing to do with the wish for a better and more equal world.
If that angry black creator thinks that he and black creators are so effin fantastic and effin too good for YT, then they can all effin leave YT and take their effin fantasticness effin elsewhere. Action speaks louder than words.

I would dare say that the creator's profanity caused a negative reaction in whomever responded for YT.

EDIT: And pewdiePew retweeted for what reason? To show solidarity with the angry black guy? Didn't Pewdiepie pay people to hold up signs calling for death to Muslims?

Essentially, the tweet says don't patronize us because we are black. You can disagree with his opinion, strategy, etc. but I think it takes some serious creative interpretation to read that he was saying he was too good for Youtube. And then to say that all black people can leave Youtube because one person gave an opinion is remarkable. Are you positive all black Youtube creators shared in the opinion and creation of the tweet? The guy can say what he wants. No one has to leave Youtube.
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