Your videos might not be monetized after all.

My gaming videos aren't getting any ads whatsoever, even though they are all monetized and green to go. Started doing what you said and it seems that is the case. YouTube money isn't a concern for me since I wasn't making any even before the advertisement fiasco. Though, this is still concerning for the future. I've stated monitoring my videos from a second device/account. Will update if something changes in the next few days
Moved to the monetization forum. :)

Well yeah, ticking "monetization" simply means you're willing to have ads on your vids. It's then up to the advertisers themselves to decide.

As mentioned in other threads:

1)It's currently the first month of a new quarter so there is always a decrease in advertisers willing to advertise.
2)Lots of big advertisers have recently pulled their ads.
3)Some content isn't deemed appropriate for ads.