Your own reddit page. I can help ;]

Hay there!
i am not entirely sure how Reddit works, but i know that it is extremely powerful.
I would love a page please..

REDDIT: warrenbright
YOUTUBE: nerdzsquared[DOUBLEPOST=1352820831,1352818807][/DOUBLEPOST]

EDIT--->: And could you give me a quick tutorial on how to use it properly, by promoting videos and all

Hey! I'm off to work but I'll get to this tonite! Thanks for your interest! :)
Dont really want to Necro post, but I've been looking to involve my channel with reddit for quite some time, but never found an avenue to do so. if anyone has any information I'd love to know.

Reddit confuses the heck out of me. I don't know how to navigate it :L
Agreed, just looking at the main page glazes over my eyes.[DOUBLEPOST=1368220442,1368220392][/DOUBLEPOST]
It is a collection of 40,000+ webpages. Each page is supposed to have a topic. When you find a page you like you click "subscribe." And then a link to that reddit stays on your reddit front page.
Each page has links to other stuff on the internet. Most commonly, videos and pictures. Each link on a redit has it's own comment section. People upvote or downvote the links. Links with a lot of upvotes make their way to the front page where everyone can see it (viral stuff makes the front page). Just go over there and click around. perform some searches.

There exists any page you can possible imagine. Educational, entertainment, disgusting, etc... Everything on the internet is organized and categorized on reddit.
Great place to find viewers for your videos.
Nice info.