Your ideal network?

If I could monetize games by myself I wasn't in a network, but sadly I need one for the banner and thumbnails back than. Now they're gone I don't see a reason to be partner. Everyone has the same options now.
I don't feel like the need of a partnership anytime soon.
If we get "bigger" (4000+ subs), we might go for TGS.
When I have eventually reached that level I am looking at DaWorldTV or CreatorX or such for a starter partner in a way and FullScreen Arcade for once my channel has grown.
TGS seems like the network I would totally go for, great community, promotions, support and more... Sadly... I am 99.9999% sure that even if I try my hardest I won't ever get there :P Currently they have 200-300 partners I believe? And how many people are out there right now doing gaming stuff on Youtube?... We are going to need about... 4-5 zeros to create such a number I believe... But well, getting in there is my dream. Or well... Getting in there... AND THEN participate in the TGS podcast. Just sitting there for three hours talking to people like Totalbiscuit, Jesse Cox, Wowcrendor, Dodger and more... *Sigh* I would have to try and hold back the fact that I'm a fan of them so that Totalbiscuit wouldn't just tell me to go away because I annoyed him badly. So yes that is what I strive for.