Your Favorite Font

I don't really know, haha.
I like the font I used in my Super Smash Bros. for Wii U thumbnail.

I can find the name when I get home.
My favourite font on the internet is Annabelle Script cause it is my logo and my second favourite is Alien League which is on my banner
You can do amazing things with Arial, if you have some basic knowledge on how to use pen tool, and work with paths in Photoshop.

Cafelatte is also really good font, and unlike Arial, you don't need any pen tool, nor path knowledge. :)
My go-to font is Langdon. The uppercase letters are a normal, serious font and the lowercase uses two layers of the uppercase letters for more casual use. Killing two birds with one stone is my style.
Arial Narrow has been my favourite font since the trick from 2010 where you could edit your channel's font to the other fonts that werent listed.

Helvetica UltraLight is also an Awesome font that I discovered while I was designing something for college.

And Comic Sans is also Awesome because it's the perfect font for mockery.