You know what? Let me review YOUR channels for a change!

Okie dokies!
I'm gonna start with your banner. I get that you cut off the head probably to use it as your channel icon, but your banner doesn't really tell me what your channel is about or at least what your name is. So you could probably use the same idea, or like put the top hat guy (you?) next to your name or something. I don't know :p

For your newest video, I wasn't a really big fan of the game play that was there. I mean, I know that you said that the place your dream took place in was Wayne manor. I don't know I just kinda wish you told the story with just the pictures that were popping up rather than seemingly random game play. Or if you DO put it in at least show the level of the game you were talking about in the dream :p That's just my opinion though. I mean, at least SOMETHING was happening. lol

I honestly don't think you are doing that bad. You just need to stick to your schedule! Just keep going and you'll improve. You definitely have more ideas than I do lol.... That rhymed haha[DOUBLEPOST=1459727364,1459726278][/DOUBLEPOST]

Thanks for the advice, it was really helpful!
You might be busy but please check out mind too. Been building for 2 months now and now that something interesting is there I'd love an unbiased take