Other Wrestling collab

do you mean a match i wish bro i have been training so hard working out at gym getting my stamina up but i live in Australia and wrestling isnt as big here and the town i live in doesn't have any wrestling here so it sucks i was talking about just wrestling discussion for now
that sucks. Wrestling is a fun sport. How long have you been wrestling and do yall have state there
that sucks. Wrestling is a fun sport. How long have you been wrestling and do yall have state there
i dont know i live in a small town so when i turn 18 i want to move to a big city like Melbourne that has wrestling i have searched it so yea 2 years i have to wait to actual wrestle in a ring but i do frontyard wrestling with a few mates and my bro i am easliy the best because i am the most committed to moves i am the only one that sells good best submission
person there
I might. Podcasts are always fun. Are you gonna do all the editting?
yes i would unless any one else would like to help me but im fine with it
I'll say I'd like to be in it like the day or so after the Rumble if you wanna do reviews. I'll be busy filming our own review the day after.