Other Would you like to be on our Podcast?

The way it's structures goes:

What we've been doing: Talk about everything we've been doing. Can talk about games, projects, work, videos and so on. Just a nice long talk about what we've all been up too.
News: I pull articles from places for news, it'll include gaming news, world news and so on. Will only pull interesting subjects though, so if there's no interesting world news, we won't talk about it for example.
User Reviews: Choose a game from iTunes/App Store. Find a game with loads of reviews and find the most ridiculous, non nonsensical reviews and read them out and laugh about them.
Guest Subject: You bring a subject you'd like to talk about.
Favorite thing of the Week: Each talk about their favorite thing of week, can be anything from The Witcher 3 to a new coffee machine you got.

Still working on thing but this is how it so far! :)
Sounds interesting. I might jump in, if you are from Europe. I might have some issues with people from the US or AU, time zones are a pain in the butt.

This sounds like it could be fun. I could contribute to topics like - motivation, self development and entrepreneurship or making a step towards your own business. I also travel a lot and have been to many places :)

Oh and my skype is michhola
Hey there, I also just recently started a podcast on my channel with my partner and we would be interested in trying to get together to do a collab. Feel free to contact me on Skype if your interested and we shall see what we can do.
Skype: saridas96
Right, I apologize for not seeing this and getting back to you all sooner, I've been very ill but have added all off or send my Skype to you. We'll keep in touch there! Thank you so much for all the responses :)
This sounds like fun idea and would be a good laugh to do.
Feel free to add me on Skype user name is the same as it is here... I think (normally I use Teamspeak)[DOUBLEPOST=1434154757,1434150820][/DOUBLEPOST]I tell a lie its drake_409 slight difference...
Why not, this sounds like a good time. You can find me on skype by envokiing. It's spelled like that specifically to throw people off. Seems like you'll have no shortage of guests on your podcast, huh?