Would McDonalds care that my YouTube name contains the word "McNugget"?

Well, legally the word 'McNugget' is actually trademarked by McDonalds Global Corporate. They won't care about you using it, until you perhaps start monetizing your videos and become a commercial entity. If you're making money, they could claim trademark infringement.
you could argue that yours has a "z" at the end but i'd play it safe. I'ts still early to rebrand! I know someone who got his website taken down due to trademarks in the domain. yikes.
Well... kind of annoying but I'm glad I asked this early, I'd rather rebrand now than later when it would be harder to transition. Thanks!
Sorry for the slight necro but as I was quite attached to my old name, I tried doing a bit more research and found a YouTube channel by the name of "bennymcnugget" who puts ads on his videos and seems to be getting a decent amount of money from them. Is there something different about his name and channel that allows him to do so?
Legally the trademark term is 'Chicken McNuggetss' and typically trademarks and copyrights are good for a specific industry. So this is filed under goods and services.

This is why Eminem gets to keep his name. He's not selling chocolate bites xD
Its also why apple got in trouble when it entered the music industry because Apple records was able to make a claim.

So 3 things :
from a legal stand point you appear safe.
Yes McDonald's could make a claim but they'd have to prove that you either violated there trademark or used their likeness to make money.
Mcdonalds will probably not waste there time with you lol

Ps. law is more about using the systems laws to justify your claim. then what is really right and wrong it's really gray

Disclaimer: Take my word with a grain of salt. I'm a business major who took classes in business law BUT I'm not a business lawyer.
It's not so much about McDonald's I'd worry about but more of the YouTuber "McJuggerNuggets." Don't know so much about legally he could do but if you ever blow up, you'll definitely get a lot of hate over your name.
Dude just alter the name a bit. No one can guarantee you they wont go after you of your name. Is the name really worth the risk and fear?
Not to mention that google and other website will forever think mcnuggetz is just a typo for mcnuggets.
Just my 2 cents.