This sounds like so much fun! I can do cool tutorials for horror movie makeup (cuts, burns, etc) and vlogging too! I'm also a pretty good rant-er ;P
Would you like emails?
Thanks for all your interest guys~! Flick us an email with an application form with the following format:

Twitter (Not Compulsory):
Video Type:
Time Zone (GMT+or-X):

Send us an email at froskahub@gmail.com :)
Question: Are we allowed to double dip our videos?

As i have the same video on both personal and this channel?
You mean the FroskaHub channel? Is that where it's going to be uploaded to? That channel has 7 or so subscribers. This wont really work out. This would work with a channel that has 200+ subscribers.

Also, do we have to sign a contract ? Are we tied down to this for 2 years or so? Can we leave if we want?
What channel is it? I want to know what I'm getting myself into before I decide if I want to do it or not. I do a combination of vloging, comedy and writing and art related videos.