Will Review Your Videos


MLG Player | aoX | UnDefined | ReBirth |
Hey guys, I will review your videos on one condition :)

If you check out my channel (you don't have to subscribe, but if you like the content, then I encourage you too :) )

Post your video here.

There is no way for me to make sure you viewed my channel and gave it a fair chance, and I'm not asking for subs who don't like the content, so please just be a fair player and take a few seconds! Thanks

Post Now!
sure! fire away :D

What I liked:

You moved around alot, instead of just standing there with a blank stare
Funny voices :D
Spoke clear as well as loud enough to the point where I can hear it, but not so loud that I am cutting my ears off.
Good eye contact
Gets the viewer base involved in the video
Not Professional

What I think needs a little improvement:

Maybe a different location, seeing as I can see your refelection.
Better aspect ratio (full screen of youtube)
A lot of the humor did not appeal to me, but hey, don't take it the wrong way I know at least 10 people off the top of my head that would love the comedic aspect

Not professional (put this on like and improve) This is only because, your goofy :) and a lot of people love goofy but a lot of people don't. If it was up to me (and I'm sure you'll agree) don't change for one type of viewer, and I say stay goofy :) I just put it hear from like a random person's perspective.

All in all, a good video, not too much to comment about, for its purpose, which I assume is to be funny, and tell people about your day, it got the job done, and it was enjoyable to watch. OFC there is room for improvement but, tbh in this video, there was not too much to judge seeing as you had good eye contact, you speak loudly enough etc. So your content isn't wrong, just the production quality (aspect ratio) could be nicer. IK a lot of people that will view your video and say this thought in their head:

"Why am I watching this video... it isn't even youtube size... FAIL"

Yes, that is the average viewer right there... everything is a "FAIL" in their eyes, so clean that bit up remove the reflection :) and as long as interesting content keeps appearing, you good sir, will get views ^^
Your friendly video editor will do it when you export your video if you specify the settings as like 1280x720 which allows users to view your content in 720p in full aspect ratio