Why has YouTube rejected my video?

I feel like I am screwed, because I deleted my adsense account...I can't get it back now, and can't sign up for another one on the same account...can I?
I feel like I am screwed, because I deleted my adsense account...I can't get it back now, and can't sign up for another one on the same account...can I?

No one person can only have 1 per account, but I thought you cancled the ads on your videos.
Just wait for your network to respond.
If they can't help you consider RPM because you don't need an adsense account, for questions you can ask the staff http://socialblade.com/youtube/chat

Please step away from the keyboard! :) (joking, but a break from this might be warranted it seems)

I don't want to see you upset and that's why we keep replying in threads and DMs. However, your absolute best bet at this point is to wait and talk to Sam as we already discussed. He is the best person to help you at this point! You've got several issues going on now and if you be patient we'll try our best to support you, but you need to allow us a little time to do so and go through the appropriate person. ;)

Our previous advice still stands as far as videos and monetization http://yttalk.com/threads/help-with-monetzation.22733/#post-152731

A couple new points we can add here...

I don't think you've been fully switched to Creator X (Fullscreen) yet... you have to allow time for this before you can "claim" videos under the network. (usually within 7 days after signing your contract the option will appear in your YouTube dashboard)

Regardless, it doesn't mean you can make money off unmonetizable videos. For those clarifications, again, you should wait and talk to Sam. However, we did watch a couple of your more popular videos and they are completely without commentary or anything added besides the raw game play footage. Those aren't going to be monetizable at all in our view.

That's all we can add for you at this time. Please follow-up on your last email with Sam and let him know about the AdSense account issue and he will help you as soon as he can.

Other than that... just take a breather... it will get sorted out. Just takes time :)

Hope that helps!

Please step away from the keyboard! :) (joking, but a break from this might be warranted it seems)

I don't want to see you upset and that's why we keep replying in threads and DMs. However, your absolute best bet at this point is to wait and talk to Sam as we already discussed. He is the best person to help you at this point! You've got several issues going on now and if you be patient we'll try our best to support you, but you need to allow us a little time to do so and go through the appropriate person. ;)

Our previous advice still stands as far as videos and monetization http://yttalk.com/threads/help-with-monetzation.22733/#post-152731

A couple new points we can add here...

I don't think you've been fully switched to Creator X (Fullscreen) yet... you have to allow time for this before you can "claim" videos under the network. (usually within 7 days after signing your contract the option will appear in your YouTube dashboard)

Regardless, it doesn't mean you can make money off unmonetizable videos. For those clarifications, again, you should wait and talk to Sam. However, we did watch a couple of your more popular videos and they are completely without commentary or anything added besides the raw game play footage. Those aren't going to be monetizable at all in our view.

That's all we can add for you at this time. Please follow-up on your last email with Sam and let him know about the AdSense account issue and he will help you as soon as he can.

Other than that... just take a breather... it will get sorted out. Just takes time :)

Hope that helps!

Sorry to be a pain guys...I guess I jumped the gun a little bit. Thank you for being patient with me...I'm just new to this whole thing. I got my Adsense account relinked to my YouTube so thats taken care of. I will just wait til everything is done with the final stages of the partnership. I emailed Sam simply about my videos since I jumped the gun on monetizing the videos on my channel that do have commentary, some were approved, and some werent even though they did have commentary. I know some of my earlier videos are just gameplay but I didnt even look to monetize them. That much I knew. All I am concerned with is when I actually can monetize videos thru you guys, what happens to the ones with commentary that were completely rejected...I'd like to claim those when I can...so I sent an emailt o Sam regarding that. Thank you again...and I will try to calm down hehe :)
When you do mass uploads, YouTube randomly rejects your videos, this is mainly to discourage the monetization of such videos when they just want you to partner with a network in order to let them handle the possible copyright issues. Just go a partner with a partner tha has low requirements, like socialblade, and you will be able to reclaim those videos.