I Love YTtalk
United States lolI do I work at 10amWhere do you work? You strike me as someone who is outside of the US. What country are you in?

United States lolI do I work at 10amWhere do you work? You strike me as someone who is outside of the US. What country are you in?
United States lolit work at TechnoBuffalo
thanksI seeYou just strike me as very straight forward. That's cool though, I can be straight forward as well. I work at KFC, anyway, have fun at work, I should go to sleep soon
thankssoo after reading all 11 pages.. i am closing this thread as requested *closes* .....and now i am re opening the thread *reopens*.....as requested....
you callin me fat? Cause them's fightin words.
Binoculars don't cut corners, they make things bigger that are far away... or... small...
lolwait. You're so right. I didn't think that through at all. YOU CALLIN ME TINY?? That's better.
wait. You're so right. I didn't think that through at all. YOU CALLIN ME TINY?? That's better.
I didn't bring the binoculars into the closet...