Why do some videos start getting views a year later? then stop.


Active Member
Ive noticed some of my older videos will all the sudden out of the blue start gaining views really fast, then one day it just stops and they are dead again. my most popular video started getting 100 views a day, it did this for a while then one day it just stopped. now nobody watches it. I feel like if it had anything to do with SEO it would be consistently popular wouldn't it? did my thumbnail all of the sudden become attractive? then not? or the keywords? or description? the only thing that makes sense to me is the algorithm is playing god and just pushes it for no reason, then stops. sometimes I feel like SEO is pointless.
whats the deal?
I'd say it could be any number of things. My main guess would be the interest in the topic fluctuates and maybe that's why it'***** and miss? Like for a game for example maybe it's old and people lose interest until it gets a big update and then it gains popularity again?
I was thinking a long the same lines, that kinda sounds like the reason pc games lose at replayability to consoles.
not sure why they would die i do notice some of my videos pick up views months down the road... just recent, I made a review of a dirtbike and was not my best video, all of the sudden its getting alot in the recent weeks; almost at 1k now but now sign of it slowing down same goes for some 5 other videos that just picked up 2 months later and notice its generating a lot of views. My guess when it does die down, maybe most of the people who are interested in this stuff stop watching it because they already seen it.

for example only handful of people who watch dirtbike videos, not many, but that tiny population will come across that video eventually then views will stop. could be the same for your video. your genre and group of people who are interested in it prob all watched it by now and no longer will watch the same video twice, if that makes sense
Is there a way to potentially search the link of the video and then see if it was shared on a blog or some other website?
Closest thing I think is the reach viewer in your channel's analytics

ok I did some investigating. 87% of the traffic is from search, and less than 2% are direct so it was not shared I would say. I also use tube buddy and it is still currently ranking 4th (I physically checked) on the first page. so I don't understand why it got 4000 views in a few months now gets barely any... I mean did everyone on earth interested in kdx200's search my video in a 3 month span and now there's no more viewers in the world left searching for that? I highly doubt that. also its not video games which loose popularity its a 30 year old dirt bike.