Why do some top Youtubers only upload 720p?

i think its because it takes longer to upload a 1080p video then it does 720p. They do upload very often so maybe it is just better for efficiency
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Its because a good portion of the time people just want HD and 720p is good enough to satisfy a majority of the population.
Alright, may have been covered in some of the earlier posts, but it probably has to do with render times and upload times. As many people have said, it takes much less time to export and upload something at 720p, so it is very tantalizing for someone who makes a dozen videos a week.

Also people who are watching youtube are typically watching on a computer so you don't really need to go up to 1080p, since the pixel ratio isn't gonna look to different on a smaller screen. Another factor is, perhaps they are shooting the original source material in 720p? All of these are factors to consider.
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I've been uploading 720p for a very long time now. I had my fanbase vote on whether or not they wanted 720p 60 fps or 1080p 30 fps (capture card can't do 1080p60) and they chose 720p60 with 62% votes. :)
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There is a large file size difference from my end. Also most videos on YouTube you can not see a real big difference unless you are on a very large monitor with full screen. Saves you space on your backups and saves you time on your uploads. But if I was a bigger channel that had a bunch of lacky's and disposable income from hocking terrible products to my fans I would definitely demand all my videos be 1080p regardless because my fans deserve to see my content in all it's optimal beauty. I doubt this will ever happen though.
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The reason is likely because the difference is not drastic enough to the general public where it's worth the longer rendering time, the longer exporting time, the longer uploading time, and losing extra storage space.

That's why I still do 720p.
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The reason I think they upload at 720p is well cause its easier for everyone. Not only does it cut their render time down and allow them to send more videos out and what not but not everyone has a 4K monitor with crazy specs or HD GPU and not everyone's internet can handle loading a 1080p video I guess 720p is like the middle ground for everything. Not as demanding for the average user who comes and clicks on the video for content rather than quality. You can if you want to, but its not a requirement.
I only upload 720p videos because I only have a 720p monitor. Some people just don't have the monitor that can support a 1920x1080 resolution. My monitor only supports 1440x900...
It also depends on the game. No point making a 1080p video on Pokemon Fire Red. Older games don't need 1080p, even some new games won't need it. I would only do 1080p on games that need attention to detail or looks super pretty like Skyrim, Dota 2, and Witcher series.
720p is what I upload in, the reason I do it is because it is not that different from 1080p. And when you've seen 1440p or 4K even 1080p looks like 720p. As such because my internet is slow and I have no interest in 60fps it's best to stay at 720p. Work gets done faster and people can still see what you've done in a clear picture. The most I watch any video in is 720p because my speed is only 5 down 1 up.