Why did you join a network like Fullscreen/Socialblade etc..

awww that sucks:( i hope you get better soon and i hate the feeling of being sick and not feeling 100% energized
i know right! LOL! best part is i gotta film T____________T....or i wont get my videos up on time *shoots self*
That sux forreal and omg im so jealous because i want to star in like short films one day!:(

AHA! maybe i could get you to help me with a short film one day :P...even though u are half way around the globe LOLOL!! :D always love collaborating with different people
AHA! maybe i could get you to help me with a short film one day :p...even though u are half way around the globe LOLOL!! :D always love collaborating with different people
Yeah..smh i would love to find someone to collab with i never worked with anyone in my youtube time unfortunately i guess cuz i feel like i gotta be the boss:D