Other Who wants to be interviewed?

I would do it, but I don't meet the requirements. Probably will in a month or two though.

I agree with TechTac you have to make it worth people's while.
You want to just interview any type of youtuber? Or a certain kind of channel like gaming or vlogging?
What type of people/channel would you interview? Is

hmm.. sure why not? :-) let me know what I'll need to do
okay do what u will do is take a look at your channel so i know what you do etc watch some videos and that. Then i will round up a few questions and send them to you so you can wrote down answers or just have them ready. And then we can either record it seperately of me ask questions you answer and tn edit the two videos into one or we can record a skype call.
Well I fail the requirements :./ back to youtube! I think it's a nice thing you're doing for others though.
Should probably lower the requirements to get more people involved. If it's supposed to help them get more views and subs, already having 200+ or so means they don't need the extra help and are already on their way.