Who is the best gaming network to partner with and why?

Well. Machinima is the biggest gaming network as of now. Low requirements and I think you can send them your vids and if they like it, they would upload it.
TGS is high-standard though but probably the best one out there.
IGN is only invites and you'll get all the profit.
TGN is decent. Depends on how they treat you, it's a hit and miss network.
If you're looking for a gaming network, I suggest XGame.
High CPM, 24/7 support, under Creative Nation/ForelaDigital.
I've always kept my eye on ZoominGames as they seemed wonderful, but I definitely want to keep my eye on this thread for better suggestions. :up:
I went with fullscreens sub-network "creator x" which are not gaming but, all round. Only because Fullscreen arcade is sometimes picky about what games you put. So becareful.