Who Has The Best Channel On Youtube????You Choose,Just Leave A Reply

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Have you ever watched the Archfiend? If not, you probably should. Channels that have "SUBSCRIBE!!!" Plastered all over them, in many people's eyes are deemed "*******" channels. And I can't lie, when I saw you implying that you had the best channel on youtube I myself was turned off. You may want to tone down the self flattering and "subscribe!" messages a bit so if you DO make it big you won't have a whole slew of haters who say you're a "youtube *****". Just a suggestion. Also I checked out your channel, pretty cool but not really my thing.
I think my favourite youtuber is sxephil.
Although "best" would probably be a bad way of putting it since everyone is into different things and theres a lot of different talented youtubers out there that just dont fit my own interests.
I think my favourite youtuber is sxephil.
Although "best" would probably be a bad way of putting it since everyone is into different things and theres a lot of different talented youtubers out there that just dont fit my own interests.
Ewwwww.... I can't stand that guy lol... different strokes for different folks eh?
I need to apologize, for some reason I thought this dude was implying that his channel was the best, I realize now he was just asking who YOU thought was the best, I shouldn't have assumed, sorry.
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